Things does not always turn out the way you thought. And of course you have the right to return all products you have bought from I Heat You for a full refund or exchange within 30 days of receiving them.


In order to return your products contact us within 30 days of receiving them and we will help you with further instructions. Out side of Sweden we will have to charge you for the shipping and possible taxes or duty costs. Please include:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your adress
  3. Your e-mail
  4. Your order number
  5. Which products your would like to return
  6. We are also happy to get feedback on why you would like to return your product



We will test and approve of all products before we will send them to you. However, accidents can happen. If your product should be damaged some how when reaching you we will of course correct the problem with no charge.

  1. Contact us as soon as possible when finding a defect
  2. Describe the defect and put down your full name, adress, email and order number.
  3. We will get back to you with further instructions
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